No-Bake Oreo Cheesecake Recipe

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The Best No-Bake Oreo Cheesecake Recipe! Easy Tutorial


Base and Topping:

2 packs (approx. 300g) of Oreos (one pack for the base and topping, one pack for the filling)

75g unsalted or salted butter, melted (I prefer salted for the base)


300ml cold double cream (or heavy whipping cream if you're in the US)

500g full-fat cream cheese (I prefer Philadelphia Cream Cheese)

100g icing sugar (confectioners' sugar)


Prepare the Base:

Crush the Oreos for the base and topping in a food processor until they are fine crumbs. You can also use a bag and a rolling pin if you don't have a food processor.

Pour the crushed Oreos into a bowl and add the melted butter. Mix until the mixture resembles wet sand.

Line an 8-inch springform tin with parchment paper.

Separate a third of the Oreo mixture (about 120g) and set aside for the topping.

Press the remaining Oreo mixture firmly into the base of the lined tin to create an even layer.

Place the tin in the fridge to set while you prepare the filling.

Prepare the Filling:

Whip the cold double cream in a large bowl using an electric whisk until it forms stiff peaks. Set aside.

In another large bowl, beat the cream cheese and icing sugar together until smooth and creamy. Ensure the cream cheese is at room temperature for easier mixing.

Fold the whipped cream into the cream cheese mixture until well combined.

Crush the remaining pack of Oreos (leaving some larger chunks) and fold them into the cream mixture.

Assemble the Cheesecake:

Pour the cream mixture onto the chilled Oreo base. Spread it evenly and smooth the top.

Sprinkle the reserved Oreo crumbs over the top of the cheesecake, creating an even layer.

Gently press the crumbs into the filling with your hands to ensure they stick.

Chill and Decorate:

Refrigerate the cheesecake for at least 6 hours, preferably overnight, to allow it to set properly.

After chilling, remove the cheesecake from the tin. Use a hot knife to slice through the cheesecake smoothly.


Decorate the top with additional Oreo halves if desired.

Serve and enjoy!


Storage: Store the cheesecake in the fridge for up to 5 days.

Decoration: You can add other toppings like chocolate drizzle or extra whipped cream for a more festive look.

Variations: Try using different flavors of Oreos or adding a layer of chocolate ganache on top for an extra decadent treat.

Enjoy your delicious no-bake Oreo cheesecake, perfect for parties or a special dessert treat!


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